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Are Home Gender Predictor Tests Accurate?

Are Home Gender Predictor Tests Accurate?

Unless you’re crazy choosing not to find out the sex of your baby until birth, the big 20-week ultrasound is one of the biggest highlights of your pregnancy. If you’re anything like me, you’re overly anxious as soon as you find out you’re pregnant.

Gender Prediction Tests at Home

By the time the gender reveal happens, you’re more than ready to find out. So every day until the ultrasound you spend trying to figure out the gender of your baby for yourself.

Chinese Gender Charts and Online Gender Predictor Quizzes

I completed all (and I’m pretty sure that means every one I could get my hands on) the popular online quizzes. I did the Chinese gender charts and tested out old wives tales for gender prediction.

All in an effort to find the sex of the baby I was carrying. The Chinese gender chart said based on my lunar age of 30 (I was 28 when I conceived) that the baby would be a girl.

The string test old wives tale also said, girl. I got a lot of girl results from the free online tests.

Were the online tests right at gender prediction? Keep reading to find out!

Chinese Gender Calendar for gender prediction at home

And if that wasn’t enough, I started looking for other methods for finding out the sex. I tried all of these things with my oldest and had mixed results with her.

So this pregnancy, I decided to up the ante. I found two tests that each claimed to be accurate and involve my urine, so they have to accurate, right?

Wrong! Each test had different results and only one of them was right.

Intelligender Gender Test

The first test I did was at 10 weeks and is the highly publicized and widely available Intelligender. The directions were pretty straight forward and I followed them to a tee, waiting six grueling weeks until I was 10 weeks pregnant before adding my urine to the cup and swirling it with their magical formula.

The bottle has different colors on each side – yellow/orangish to represent girl and brown/green for boy. My Intelligender test results were a murky looking color which, according to the instructions, indicated boy. The test claims 90% accuracy when the directions are followed explicitly.

Gender reveal test at home with the Intelligender Test results showing boy

Cabbage Gender Test

The next test I did was one that’s not quite as popular except on the online birth boards. I did the cabbage gender test at 14 weeks which involves boiling purple cabbage (my first time even buying it) and mixing your urine with some of the cabbage water.

The resulting water is supposed to indicate the sex of the baby based on your urine’s pH levels. Pink/red = boy, purple = girl. My results for this test weren’t hard to read and were clearly showing girl with a bright purple result.

At home cabbage gender prediction test

On one hand, you have a test that claims 90% accuracy and suggested I was pregnant with a boy. On the other, a not so well known test showing I’m pregnant with a girl.

Baking Soda Gender Test

The last test I did was the baking soda gender test. You’re supposed to collect some of your urine and combine with baking soda, then wait to see whether or not the baking soda/urine mix fizzes for your results.

Fizzy = boy, no reaction = girl. I didn’t get any fizzing with mine so the baking soda gender test is saying girl.

This method is probably along the same lines as the cabbage gender test and is the fizzing is based on pH levels.

Baking Soda Gender Test at Home

So which of these tests was right? Surprisingly the cabbage gender test accuracy seems to be confirmed as does the baking soda gender test after my 20-week ultrasound confirmed we were having another girl.

Which of the at home gender prediction tests worked or didn’t work for you?

9 Pregnancy Wives Tales for Baby Gender Prediction

Tuesday 3rd of December 2019

[…] year old, Colby, I just couldn't sit around and wait. My husband wasn't on board for any expensive tests or extra ultrasounds so I took to the internet and started doing some at home gender […]


Saturday 3rd of December 2011

I used the intellegender and I couldn't read the results. I have my ultrasound to confirm gender on December 12 so I will let you know!


Friday 2nd of December 2011

Someone looked at me and said "You are having a boy" and she was right…so I guess first impressions worked for me? Everyone else guessed girl because I have a boy and in my husband's family everyone has a boy first then a girl, but this woman looked at me and just knew.


Friday 2nd of December 2011

I wish I had that gift - it'd save me a lot of time and anxiety. There's only like 2 people I know that have one of each sex - everyone else has 2 of the same sex. It's so backwards. All of my cousins on my dad's side are girl first and then boy. I was an only child so we don't know if it would have been true for me and on my mom's side she's the oldest and has a younger brother. You just never can tell!


Thursday 1st of December 2011

wow, congrats on a girl! not a gril...


Thursday 1st of December 2011

IOh I almost tried the Drain-o back when I was prego. How fun that you did all this. Congrats on a gril!!! (maybe) All these tests stand a 50% accuracy rate. Consumer Reports should do a study! :)


Thursday 1st of December 2011

I wish you had done the Drain-O test - I'd be curious to see the results. I might have to pick some up next time I'm at the store to try this out. I just never buy the stuff to have it laying around.