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Choose Your Size: Plastic Surgery Pre-Op Appointment

Choose Your Size: Plastic Surgery Pre-Op Appointment

I had a successful breast augmentation consultation a couple of weeks ago, so I went ahead and scheduled my surgery. They told me at my consult, that before having the surgery there’s another visit.

A pre-op appointment, which I had last week. And it was there that things got more real.

The nurses took my weight and blood pressure (it was uncharacteristically high – hello, white coat syndrome) before Dr. Cameron Craven came in to begin taking measurements. And it’s just like on TV. Everything is measured so that the doctor can get a clear picture of what they’re working with.

silicone and saline breast implants

This is when the fun stuff happens. Choosing the size and type of breast implant!

With a little help from Dr. Craven, I decided at my breast augmentation surgery consultation appointment to go with the silicone breast implants. He’ll be inserting them under the muscle with an inframammary incision.

But I hadn’t picked the profile or size. The breast implant profile has to be determined before selecting sizes since the breast projection varies and the shape could be altered.

Silicone Breast Implant Options

Dr. Craven gave me two different options for the profile of my breast implants. I could go with moderate plus or high profile.

After another quick peeks at past before and after breast augmentation pictures, I decided to try on sizers for each one before making the final decision. I used a sports bra to help give me an idea of what they might look like.

Wearing the sports bra, with a moderate plus sizer on one side and a high profile on the other, I decided the high profile look was more appealing.

Before Breast Implant Sizers

Breast Implant Sizing

Next, we talked about sizing! I was not blessed with an ample chest.

Some people get their chests with babies, but not me. Even after my milk came in, I only got up to a B cup.

With my full hips, a more proportional body is what I’ve always wanted. So I started trying on breast implants in the 350cc range and went up from there.

After Implant Sizers

Unlike most doctors who have the final say in the size of the breast implant you receive, Dr. Craven leaves that decision entirely up to you. He does use your measurements to determine a range that is best suited for your size but choosing the actual implant is your decision only.

When comparing breast implant sizes, I never felt pressured or rushed in making my decision. After I confirmed my decisions, the nurses began to go over a ton of information regarding my procedure and postoperative care.

I was given copies of all instructions, along with things to get done prior to the surgery such as lab work, prescriptions, postoperative bra suggestion, and other helpful tips to make surgery day go more smoothly. No wine (or other alcohol) for two weeks before surgery.

Less than a week to go and I’m still more excited than nervous! If you haven’t already seen it, make sure you watch my video about my reasons for breast augmentation surgery!

Read all about my breast augmentation story and see my 2 week plastic surgery update with before and after pictures!

Any words of advice for me before I head into my first surgery ever?

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[…] out what happens at a breast augmentation pre-op appointment, breast augmentation surgery details, breast augmentation recovery stages pictures, and 8 weeks […]

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[…] about my journey, check out these posts on my breast augmentation consultation appointment and breast augmentation pre-op appointment and the video on my reasons for breast augmentation […]

Elizabeth (Rock-A-Bye Parents)

Saturday 10th of August 2013

That's great that you have a doctor that let's you make the final call. You should be the one happy with the final choice. Good luck with your surgery!

Deb Bonine

Monday 5th of August 2013

They look great and I am sure you will feel great once you get past the recovery. Speaking from experience, you will have so much fun shopping for bras, swim suits and clothes. I'll see you tomorrow.


Monday 5th of August 2013

I can't wait to hear all about the surgery. This is one that I would have done but the actual surgery scares me.