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5 Easy Ways for Working Parents to Volunteer at School

The pressure is on for working moms to do it all. Not only do you have to work (whether it’s in or outside the home), but also to keep up with all the demands of motherhood and marriage.

One way a lot of mothers end up guilting themselves, is over their ability to be there for their kids despite their working. Especially when it comes to volunteering at school.

But there are ways for working parents to volunteer at their children’s school without making a weekly commitment to classroom volunteering or even joining the PTA.

Being a working parent can be tough, but there's no excuse not to volunteer with these 5 Easy Ways for Working Parents to Volunteer at School!

5 Easy Ways for Working Parents to Volunteer at School

1. Purchase extra school supplies.Things like tissues and sanitizer as well as other school supplies periodically need to be replenished, so volunteering to purchase these items the next time you’re already at the store is an easy way to give back.

2. Chaperone your child’s field trip. While committing to time each week or even each month might be a struggle for a working parent, scheduling time in advance to join your child on their field trip not only creates a memorable experience for your child and yourself it also helps the teacher during the stressful time of wrangling 20 children in public.

3. Volunteer to care for the class pet. Your child’s classroom, at least in elementary, likely has at least one class pet. Last year my daughter’s class had three pets. Depending on the breed, when no one volunteers to care for the pets over the weekend the teacher is likely responsible for them. Give the teacher a break and win brownie points with your little one by bringing it home to have fun over the weekend or class break.

4. Box tops for education. All of your kids’ favorite products likely have those little box tops on them already but around back to school time you can often find specially marked boxes where you can get 5 box tops for one! That means instead of just 10 cents for your child’s school, they get 50 cents and you didn’t have to spend any extra money! Bonus: some schools give rewards to kids that bring in the most box tops!

5. Create a dish for the bake sale or teacher appreciation luncheon. Don’t forget to get double duty out of those items with box tops for education by using them when creating your recipe!

Do you have any other ideas on ways for working parents to volunteer at school?