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5 Postpartum Body Changes No One Talks About & How to Help

Pregnancy changes your body long after you've delivered. Here are 5 Postpartum Body Changes No One Talks About and how to deal with them confidently!

These 5 Postpartum Body Changes No One Talks About were sponsored by AZO Bladder Control® with Go-Less®.  All opinions are my own. Please consult your doctor or health care provider for medical advice.

Isn’t it funny how when you were growing up 30 (and beyond) seemed so old and so far away? Now that I’m here, I don’t feel that old or different. In some ways, I still feel like the me from my late teens that has the world ahead of her and can do anything.

Even when I feel like that, there are still times that I look in the mirror and it tells me the opposite. The crows feet and fine lines are starting to pop up on my face, my joints snap crackle and popping when I walk sounds like I’m decades older. It’s not just how I look at myself either, I know other people can see it too.

These days it’s not just about appearances, I’m starting to feel older too. It might not be my age alone, but becoming a mom that did it.

Ten years ago my life and my body were forever changed. I was pregnant with my oldest daughter. And no matter how easy your pregnancy is, it changes your body. And not just when you’re pregnant either.

Each of my pregnancies left me with little reminders that I’d never be the same. People are pretty open about the weight gain and stretch marks, but there are other ways your body changes after pregnancy that people just don’t talk about. These are the embarrassing things that make you feel less confident or less feminine or…old.

5 Postpartum Body Changes No One Talks About

1. Hair changes

After taking prenatal vitamins during your pregnancy, your hair is probably thicker than ever but once you have the baby and your hormones start returning to normal your hair will fall out. It can be pretty alarming when it starts happening.

Other people may or may not even notice it when looking at you. But when you’re in the shower you’ll start seeing a lot more hair coming out and your brush filling up fast than before.

Don’t worry, even if you get bald patches, your hair goes through different growth stages and it’ll grow back, but you can follow these tips to grow your hair back even faster.

2. Face changes

The mask of pregnancy, also known as melasma, will make you get dark spots on your face. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to say whether or not these will stick with you or not.

But most moms I’ve talked to say if they’ve gotten the mask of pregnancy it’s gone away postpartum. Although, for me, it was permanent so targeted face creams and BB cream are my friends.

There’s also the possibility that your acne could change. For me, the change in hormone levels helped my acne but for some people, it will cause a flare-up.

3. Leg changes

Even if you only gain the recommended 25-35 pounds during pregnancy, the weight gain will make your legs bigger. We all think about the changes in the weight in regard to stretch marks.

But it can also allow varicose or spider veins to show up. Or, if you already had them, be more visible.

My legs were actually so achy and dry that it led me to consult with a vascular surgeon. Thankfully helping to heal my dry skin really helped and right now the varicose and spider veins are just cosmetic.

If you have stubborn pockets of fat, you could look into fat freezing. Check out my Coolsculpting Before and After for an honest review of my experience.

4. Breast changes

Everyone talks about how your breasts fill up with milk after you breastfeed, but not the deflation that can happen. During my first pregnancy, even though I nursed for 23 months I didn’t have any issues with shape or elasticity.

During my last pregnancy, I completely deflated, was sagging, and had different-shaped breasts. This is one of the reasons I got breast augmentation surgery after I was done having babies even though you can breastfeed with implants.

Pregnancy changes your body long after you've delivered. Here are 5 Postpartum Body Changes No One Talks About and how to deal with them confidently!

5. Bladder changes

This has to be one of the most embarrassing postpartum body changes of all. But with all that goes on down there when you’re giving birth, things change. It’s one of those things that women just don’t want to talk about.

Many people experience occasional bladder leakage after pregnancy, especially when they cough, sneeze, jump on a trampoline or laugh.

Pregnancy changes your body long after you've delivered. Here are 5 Postpartum Body Changes No One Talks About and how to deal with them confidently!

So what are your options for occasional bladder leakage and urgency? You probably don’t know that there are ways you can help reduce occasional bladder leakage and worry less about wetting yourself in public.

Pregnancy changes your body long after you've delivered. Here are 5 Postpartum Body Changes No One Talks About and how to deal with them confidently!

Now you can help reduce your occasional bladder leakage issues from laughing, coughing, sneezing, or exercise with AZO Bladder Control® with Go-Less®. These capsules are a discrete way to help support bladder muscle strength which is something that pads and liners just can’t do*.

Pregnancy changes your body long after you've delivered. Here are 5 Postpartum Body Changes No One Talks About and how to deal with them confidently!

AZO Bladder Control® are drug-free supplements that contain a naturally sourced blend of pumpkin seed and soy germ extracts that help bladder strength and help reduce the urge to go, day and night.* This can also help with those middle of the night wakeups to go to the bathroom*. For me, those have been nightly since my first pregnancy 10 years ago.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Each pregnancy is different and the way it affects your body afterward will always be different. These are some of the more noticeable postpartum body changes. Yes, you’re normal and no, you’re not alone.

What embarrassing postpartum body changes did you have?